Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sunday Sun & Snowdrops

The glorious clear blue skies on Sunday tempted me to leave my chores and wander off on a long walk down the valley ( haha..like it takes very much to tempt me away from chores!) Just look at that sky...I wandered along happily in a pure ELO moment singing "Mr Blue Sky" to myself.

The river is still running pretty high, but within its banks....

but the ground underfoot is still squodgy...don't forget your wellies!

Doesn't all of the moisture make for some beautiful mosses though?
But far and away, the stars of Sundays walk were the snowdrops!
A glut, a surfeit, a profusion...

A fulsomeness...

an abundance...

A luxuriance...

 an exuberance of snowdrops.....


  1. Very nice photos. Doesn't that lovely blue sky make you feel like spring is just around the corner.

    1. Doesn't it indeed...loving getting out there and soaking up that vitamin D :-) and the promise of warmer days. The buds are starting to fatten and I'm starting to get excited......

  2. I can't get enough of Snowdrops, they're just lovely! And funnily enough, I was in the car yesterday and I had ELO on the CD. Great minds think alike!

    1. I don't have the CD...but am always amazed at how you can remember all of the words to songs that were in the charts 35 years ago :o)

  3. Lovely walk, fab pictures.Snowdrops are so evocative of spring!

  4. I enjoyed that walk with you. I should have had my wellies on and not my slippers.
    Great pictures.
    We went on a little ramble yesterday and left our coats in the car it was so nice, but I understand that the weather is going to change. At least we have had some nice days.

    1. Oh how lovely to go without a coat for a bit.I can't wait for Spring proper :o)..temperature has dropped again since the weekend..forecasting snow for Sunday boo!

  5. Snowdrops look so beautiful en masse. It's wonderful to see such blue skies again, it's been a while. I think it's going to take some time for the ground to dry out though, no chance of getting my allotment dug over just yet.

  6. A beautiful walk, lovely photos :)

    I'm a new follower by the way, I think you follow me but I've only just realised and seen your blog!
