Friday 1 February 2013

Oooooo Presents!

Oh no, sorry...what I meant was Ewwww Presents!
Clearly Queenie, my feline fiend, (I know - not a typo!)  has read the BBC article about US cats and their murdering impact and feels that she needs to raise the bar! I normally get 1 token of her never ending esteem per week, but she has now upped this to a DAILY ritual. Yesterday it was dead mouse on the bedroom floor. She was trying to "de-fur" it when I discovered her, and I sent her prize off to the seaside with a watery ceremony.  Today we have bird remnants in the bedroom. As I can find no body, only feathers, I can only assume that the poor wee mite became a dietary supplement.

 It was clearly something pretty..look at those beautiful flashes of yellow on the feathers ( goldfinch? greenfinch? siskin?)
I'm not really moaning, although I don't like it, I've always kept cats, and they have always been allowed outside during the daytime, and I understand that it is natural for them to hunt. I also accept that some people prefer to keep their cats in. We all make the best choices we are able to for our pets. I guess it's just that Queenie is my first young girlie cat for a while (Mog who died 2 years ago last October ,hunted lots in her younger years but not much as she got older) The boys never seem to be very interested in hunting at all - or maybe it's just my boys :-)
The closest Baldrick gets is to wander around with his ball with a bell in, in his mouth, growling like he's protecting his prey LOL soppy boy!
Needless to say, he wasn't going out in the snow last week, unlike "Miss Murder"

Perhaps we can come to an agreement whereby she hoovers up after herself.......


  1. Cats - don't you just love 'em ?
    I saw a programme some years ago called 'The Killer on Your Hearth' or 'The Killer by Your Fire' or something like that, it was about the dual personality of cats and how they retain their independance and are never truly 'owned' by humans, it is them that own us - how true !!

    1. Haha...I always say "cats don't have owners, they have staff!"

  2. They say a dog will come when called. With cats you leave a message and they might get back to you! True.

    Our boys are soft. Pad around the house with toys in their mouths. One has a fettish for bubblewrap or anything crinkly, like crisp packets.. and carries them all over. Tinkabelle, the brindle mog, is a dab hand at nicking Junior's hair bobbles and then spends hours 'pinging' them up and down the stairs...then she kills them...chews through the join! Little madam. lol

    I keep my lot inside. If I let them out then they'd end up as target practice for the local 'pot shot' enthusiasts.

    1. Awww..they sound adorable :-)
      I understand what you mean about the locals..lost 2 of my boys to antifreeze last year...don't know if someone was careless or's a risk letting them out (same goes for sons LOL)

  3. I was at the desk in the office losing time on the internet and I kept hearing this odd crunching sound behind me, so I spun around on my chair and there was Tiger chomping on the head of a baby rabbit! Noice! :D

  4. Ewwwww...they're such a delight aren't they? LOL
    I suppose if it's eaten then it isn't waste...I guess if there was a rule that you had to eat anything you killed it would cut down on war and murder a bit. Eww...just realised I would have to eat slugs...scrap that idea!!!

  5. I hate the killer instinct which cats have, but not enough to put me off cats. We used to have a cat but can't have any more as my son's allergic to them, never had any problems with our old moggy though, funny.

    1. Jo, I think some of them are hunters, and some are just not..can't imagine Baldrick catching ANYTHING! Shame about your sons''s hoping he grows out of it maybe :-)
