Friday 22 February 2013

Misty, frosty mornings..

On days where I have no meetings...I try to get out for a bit of a walk and get the blood flowing before I sit at my desk all day with my arse going to sleep.  It's pretty much always the same route (either in one direction or the other) as there's a limit as to how far I can go and still be back and ready to roll before 9.
This morning was a misty & frosty one...cold, but rather beautiful I thought...

Too early for the snowdrops to have opened up much...
but the watery sun through the mist gave the river a monochrome arty feel..

and the frost on the plants always makes even the mundane look pretty..

this holly almost glitters....

and isn't this delightful? (cinquefoil I think)
Frosty fields where a few weeks ago were floods...

And frosty hills that were covered in snow a few weeks ago....

That's me all wide awake and off home for a cup of tea and a bowl of porridge before I start work :-)


  1. What lovely scenes and how good are you squeezing in a walk before breakfast! I skip walks and breakfast in favour of extra minutes in bed, getting up at the very last moment I can just make it to work on time!

    1. Ahhh...I have the advantage of working from home so no travel time :-)

  2. Pretty post: }use the fact that you have Snowdrops visible is wonderful ...our plants are still under heaps of snow!

  3. Looks fab. I love walking early in the morning(its usually sunday morning though that I get to do it because of work) especially when its cold and frosty.As long as its light I love it.

  4. Lovely photos, I especially liked peeping through the bare branches of the trees.

    1. thanks Kath...I was quite pleased with that one :o)
