Friday 13 July 2012

Global Fat scale?

On the BBC News site today I checked out where I was on the Global Fat Scale...Yemen apparently! Anyhoo...turns out I'm not as fat as I thought I was...actually, that's a lie...I am exactly as fat as I though I was, it's just that the worldwide population is a lot fatter than I thought so I don't look as bad in comparison. That was enough of an excuse for me!! Bring on the Friday Fry Up!
 Mmmmm Quorn "bacon" tastes bloomin' luvverly!!
(Actually, since I gave up smoking just over a year ago...everything tastes bloomin' luvverly..especially cake! ) ...promise I'll eat sensibly tomorrow....honest!


  1. Oooh is 22:00, too late for breakfast, I'm feeling hungry now!!

    Arwedd xx

    1. Let's pretend we are hobbits and have "2nd breakfast" LOL XD
