Wednesday 18 July 2012

A bit of this, a bit of that...

It's past bedtime, but I thought I'd just to a quick post of what's been happening in my world so far this week.
I have very little work surface space in the kitchen, and have been looking out on ebay for a butchers trolley for ages..I found one at the weekend...a little shabby chic, but I rather like that, and I could easily re-paint if I want to smarten it up. It's a good solid piece of furniture and I was chuffed to get it for £50...the cheapest I have seen these new is £250 (and lots of places selling for a lot more) ..anyway I'm very happy with it so I guess that's all the counts.

When I went to pick it up on Sunday I found myself only 1/2 hour away from Ethan in I thought I'd stop in for coffee and perhaps bring a few of his bits home prior to the complete summer move home in a fortnight. I dialled his mobile, landline and knocked on the sign of him...must be up and off to the supermarket for the weekly shop thought I...when I spoke to him on the phone later it became clear that I am now old and rapidly forgetting what it's like to be young...Ethan had been clubbing til 6 am and at noon was spark out in bed... oh I remember those days...natures cruel trick as you get older and don't have to wake up early with kids anymore is to set your bodyclock to wake up (wide awake ker-ching wake up) by 6am at the latest every unfair!

There was a brief dryish spell...I heard some snuffling in the garden and found this cutie lil hedgepig....welcome and please snuffle away and dine on the robust superslugs currently residing in the garden. Please fill yourself up until you couldn't even manage a wafer thin mint !!

The rain didn't hold off....1 heavy, soggy feather duvet drying on the airer in front of the stove...this may take some time!

Never may be raining outside (AGAIN!) but it's always fair weather in my house...LOOK!

It's fair weather, bordering on very dry according to my barometer :-) Oh alright, it's more a piece of wall art rather than a precision intrument, but at least it's stuck in the right place, we wouldn't want "Pluie - Vent" in the living room would we? Well, there may be some "Vent" but that is entirely another conversation Hahaha!

Kittens are minging with fleas...I only Frontlined them 3 weeks ago so I don't really understand it...I've always found it brilliant before...anyway, don't want to re-spot them for at least another week as they are still so young , and diatomaceous earth doesn't seem to be doing the trick so I've resorted to the good old fashioned flea comb and beaker of hot water..Queenie is actually quite tolerant but Baldrick is singularly unimpressed, but I'm bearing his dirty looks with fortitude.

Ooops...getting late...time to go up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire...n'night  ^..^

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