Saturday 14 July 2012

Best laid plans of mice & middle aged ladies....

There were lots of things that I had planned to do today (wild and exciting lifestyle...that's how I roll LOL)....move the chicken coop. mow the lawn, dig a hole and bury my precious fluffy one :(, along with the normal weekend catch up chores....but for want of a better's been a piddly day! Dry spots have been few and far between both in and out of the house.
Queenie decided to have a lil piddle on my bed (litter tray was clean so no excuse - just attention seeking methinks)..stripped the bed and stomped around making Marge Simpson noises..Queenie took this as a cue to make herself scarce for 10 minutes.This is the 3rd time I've jammed a kingsize feather duvet into the washing machine in 7 weeks so I'm clearly not getting all of the aroma out...I think this time we will go with the full on "vinegar-wash" followed by "bicarb rinse",...I don't quite know what else to do. Peeing down outside so 1st load of washing on to the airer and 2nd load in.

I decided that if I am going to have to keep washing duvets then perhaps a more "washable " one might be a good idea...into the car for an unplanned shopping trip...still making Marge noises.  I found a Poundland type store with kingsize summer weight duvets for £6.99..that'll do :-) I also picked up another clothes airer..seems to be no promise of better weather soon, and I'm picking Ethan up from Uni in a fortnight, so there will be MUCH washing. Word to the wise...never EVER buy your progeny one of those "pop-up" washing baskets...with a little brute force they can jam 6 washing machine loads in to it. If it doesn't stop raining soon this will be my kitchen for all of August too!

I would love to tell you that after yesterdays fry-up I ate sensibly...and I's my greekish salad..

..but I also wiped out all the good with an entire packet of Lemon Puff biscuits...think I'd better go on a LOOOOOOOONNNGGG walk tomorrow. When I was young, weekends were WAY different to this......I think I'm entering the "Radio 2 " stage of life...if  you EVER see me singing along to Cliff Richard - shoot me !!!


  1. Hello,
    I have found you through lovely Ali's blog...
    i sure understand all those naughty kitty going ons!!
    Thanks for making me smile.
    Have a Sunday of fun!

    1. thanks Maria, hope you're having a great day too!

  2. Hmmm - so a king sized duvet 'does' fit in a washing machine does it ? I just assumed it wouldn't and took mine to the public wash house !
    Know what you mean about not being able to do anything, frustrating isn't it ?
    Hope you're feeling a little better.

    1. yes it fits..but you have to push really hard and use LOTS of swear words..that's the key XD

  3. I must admit that in all my years sharing with cats, I never owned one who 'let me down' in the toilet training dept. However, I have found that all my moggies just hated the smell of lemons. Cutting one up for my G&T, grating the zest or squeezing the juice always left the kitchen free of cats. I also found they didn't like Lemon scented polish and I also had to stop washing their dishes & plates with Lemon washing-up liquid.
    So, could you perhaps try say a lemon based potpourri of similar air-freshener?

    1. yes it's unusual isn't it...I think there must be a touch of eau de cat pee scent on the duvet that is making them think it's an appropriate place (1st time was an accident when Baldick was accidentally shut in the bedroom and caught short)..I wonder whether Citronella would work too...

  4. I haven't had lemon puff biscuits for donkeys years, I must watch out for some. I know what you mean about the washing - now Jonny is home the washing machine is being forced to work much harder, the basket seems bottomless. What are weekends?x

    1. Mmmm you're right Elaine, I found them in the poundland type shop yesterday but prior to that I don't think I'd seen them for about 25 years...these ones were round and not quite as nice as the rectangular ones I used to buy years ago,,,maybe my memory plays tricks though as I managed to scoff the lot in a short space of time ^..^
