Sunday 24 March 2013

Quornish Pasties

It's been a cold and grey day today (no snow, but for sure, not a gardening day) so I thought I'd stay snug and warm and do a bit of baking. Today I made "Quornish Pasties"and managed to stretch one small bag of quorn and a few veg out to make 14 meals! I kid you not!
Peeled, chopped and into the bowl went: 3 small / medium spuds, 1/2 a fist sized swede, a couple of red onions ('cos red is what I had) , a couple of teeny carrots ( yes I know carrots don't go in a traditional Cornish pasty - but let's face it, the "good ship traditional" sailed right about the time I swapped the meat for quorn in the recipe so hey ho)

Then, swap it to a bigger bowl as a) the quorn was never going to fit in the first one and b) if there is one thing my life needs it's more washing up (NOT).
Chuck in a small bag of quorn (leave it frozen...makes no odds)

Add a bit of seasoning -  I used a bit of salt, a load of white pepper, a couple of these little maggi cubes, and then a load more white pepper (I like pepper!)

Throw in a gratuitous photo of my worktop saver for no other reason but it makes me smile every day ( and I like
 the idea of not asking about the broccoli!)

Take pastry I made earlier out of the fridge, roll it out and cut to shape...I used a side plate as a template but a saucer would give little empanada sized ones.

Put a spoonful of the quorn and veggie mix in the middle, eggy wash the edge ...

Fold over and stick....

Crimp it so nothing escapes...

I've made 6 big pasties ...

and still got this left.....

So I made a pie, and whipped up some smart price packet mash to make 7 cottage pie type thingies.

Then I eggy washed them and shoved them all in a warmish oven for 50 minutes / an hour- ish

Tadah! 6 pasties...1 eaten immediately straight from the oven with tomato sauce on the side, and 5 to cool and pop in the freezer .

I didn't let these get too brown as they are for the freezer and will be baked a second time.

I don't know exactly how much a portion it would work out at but I think 25p a pop wouldn't be far off...bargain!! There you go Ethan...gut-busting, grant-stretching pasties :-)


  1. Oh dear, oh dear....oh dear!
    Do you know Kitty, I can't imagine a Pastie without meat and loads of black pepper. Each to his own of course and I always respect others views and beliefs, but I'm sorry, I'm a 'meaty man' and love my 'meaty bits'!
    Especially in pasties and pies.
    Cheers..... B x
    ps I don't eat Veal, Lamb and Chicken, but can't resist a juicy bit of Roast Beef or a crunchy Pork Scratching. (am I forgiven?)

    1. sound just like my brother...he's sure he'd waste away if he didn't have meat every day:-) I'm not really a vegetarian..I just don't happen to eat meat :-) no moral issues here :-) how could I not forgive you Bernard? You are charming as always (and you make me chuckle )

  2. they look delicious! I would not thought of using quorn in this way.

    1. Got to admit they're pretty scrummy. I kid my carnivores with quorn and am getting away with it so far:-)

  3. Wow Kitty they look fabulous and tasty, if you were to buy them you could easily add another £2 each. A lovely meal for a bargain 25p.

    Love the worktop saver, my hubby hates broccoli, I make him eat it though lol

  4. I'm with your hubby on the broccoli thing...worlds most boring vegetable ...should never show it's face unless heavily disguised with something that "tastes" (cheese sauce works for me) Steamed I can just about managed if it's nearly raw...but boiled (like Mum used to) yuk!

  5. These look most yumptious! I love Quorn but the Chap - not so much. Just means all the more for me! Think I'd have to serve with gravy though, rather than tomato ketchup! ;-) What a batch of bargain meals.

  6. They look great. I don't eat Quorn but I do love pastry!
