Friday 18 January 2013

Snow...for Josh & Natalia

Nat SO wanted snow during the month that they were over in England....wouldn't you just know that it would arrive a week after they flew back!! Just so that you don't miss out, here are some snowy pictures of the village to cool you as you swelter in 45 degrees in Sydney (gotta be honest guys..the thought of that sort of temperature makes me feel sick..what on earth do you do??) Ethan has snow down in Bournemouth too:-)
I took these pictures at 8 o'clock this morning when it hadn't been snowing for long. By the look of all of the cars still parked most people had seen the weather report forcasting more snow and if they had any option, decided not to venture out.  It has now been snowing all day so we have 5 or 6 inches. Chickens decided to stay in, and so did Baldrick...Queenie couldn't care less about the weather and went out murdering hunting as usual ( no chance of rescueing todays victim - Queenie spotted me and shot back out of the catflap with her prize...perhaps she still remember last weeks episode) are the pix from this mornings' walk...maybe I'll make a snowman tomorrow:-)



  1. Wonderfull pictures. We had just a little sprinkling yesterday, although it snowed all day but ever so lightly. It's all go now. Soooo very cold though.

    1. I love the look of the snow, but hate driving on it! You're right, it's Brrrrr..... Wrap up warm Carol :-) xx

  2. Doesn't everything look so pretty in the snow? We've got quite a bit here too.
    Even my old shed looks quite romantic LOL

    1. Yes, isn't it lovely the way it turns everything to "winter wonderland" Hope you're keeping snug & warm:-)
