Wednesday 16 January 2013

New Toy.....

Oh I so wanted to show you...but I can't upload a picture so you'll just have to use your imagination :-) I've been reading about "mini-ovens" on lots of blogs and have been impressed with the amount of meals you can cook without putting the big oven on. The Rayburn is lovely, but it eats gas like a monster and take quite a while to get up to temperature and hardly seems worth it just for me. It also heats the house up...bonus you may think when the thermometer is registering minus 4 outside already, but at my age, I have my own personal internal heating that drives me to the back garden for a breath of cool with alarming regularity, so a toasty house would be a nightmare at the mo...anyway I my very own mini oven arrived...and I must say I'm chuffed with it already.
I know some things can be "dinged" in the microwave but it's just not the same...I like the potato on top of my fish pie to go a bit toasty and crunchy:-)  It worked a treat and dinner was I've popped an apple that was going a bit wrinkly in to bake (yes if I had thought of it before I could have cooked them at the same time...but I didn't know I wanted pudding until I'd finished dinner)
I'm hoping it'll save be a bit on the gas bill too...can't be bad :-)

Anyway...baked apple time...nom nom nom...
Oh - I can add pictures it is!!


  1. just brill - I can't imagine life without mine

    1. I think your posts were probably the main catalyst for me :-) I like to think about things for AGES before I go out and buy them..but I think this could pay for itself in saved gas within a month.

  2. I use my slow cookers a lot and they save on fuel, I'll have to google mini-ovens !

    1. Now you've given me an idea...I wonder if I would be able to use that rice cooker my neighbour gave me as a slow to google I go (how on earth did we manage before when the kids ask me a question I often say "I don't know - have you googled it?")
