Wednesday 12 September 2012

Perks of the job..

My job isn't challenging or well paid...but it does have some perks. After 3 or 4 hours of being sat in front of a PC, and being crippled by the crappy chair I need to stretch my legs and get the kinks out....and just look a what I have outside of the office door!

This is Mum, Dad and all 4 cygnets. 5 eggs hatched but 1 was predated within the first week or so.

And here are the honey bee hives...sorry poor resolution / lack of photograhy skills means that you can't actually see the bees but they are there I promise you:-)
Lil fishies that have hatched out...hope they're not snacks for the huge carp

Some views of the pond/lake. I try to walk here at lunchtime each day...makes a nice break.
And finally, some bindweed....I think it rather beautiful when it's not in my garden!


  1. Surrounded by all this beauty...and they pay you, too? ;)

  2. hi - did the bag ever get to you - i must have posted it two weeks ago - love froogs xx
