Tuesday 4 September 2012

Jam, Booze and errrr Booze-Jam???

It's been a soggy summer but there have been a few sunny lunchtimes in the last week, so I've been going for a walk at lunchtime and collecting up some blackberries. The recent rains and then the sun meant I found some real fatties...and 1 o'clock found me back at my desk with the telltale stains around my mouth and on my hands. I've very little freezer space so I decided to turn them into something that would keep. I googled some jam recipes and found a spiced apple and blackberry  and a blackberry chilli jam that I rather liked the look of...but I couldn't decide which to make. In the end I amalgamated the recipes and threw in blackberries, some crabapples I found when walking one evening, one of last years lovely red chillies that I had dried (no chillies this year....slugs polished off a dozen fine chilli plants...I have 1 scotch bonnet that I rescued and brought in to pop on the kitchen windowsill...it has survived being knocked about by the kittens so far and produced it's first flower this week) some mixed spice , some nutmeg and some sugar and boiled the lot up. (no - don't be silly - of course I didn't weigh / measure ) The result was 4&1/2 jars of really christmassy blackberry jam...delish...will do that one again.
Then I thought some wine would be a good idea and some blackberry I had made a few years ago turned out well so I thought I'd have another bash...so I found the plastic bucket that the birdy fat balls from Wilkinson came in and gave it a good scrub and a dunk in some Milton to be on the safe side.(It's all dead high tech in my kitchen!!) In went the blackberries, sugar, some lemons that were looking a bit dried out, a handful of sultanas, a cup of very strong black earl grey tea, and some boiling water and I smooshed it all with the potato masher. Searched high and low for my brewers yeast...not a sign anywhere...gave in and used the stuff I use for baking bread.

Here it is all ready to be tucked up with it's lid on to do it's stuff for a few days.
I gave it a stir around every day for a few days and then decided that it was ready to move on to the demijohn. Oooopppss...demijohn still has Elderberry wine in it and I have only 2 empty wine bottles....creative thinking cap on...drive to Hungerford...accost poor woman dropping off wine bottles at the bottle bank  and pursuade her to recycle bottles in my direction:-)
Bottles scrubbed and sterilised, Elderberry wine transferred to the bottles, demijohn scrubbed and sterilised ( this is 3 lines on paper, but I swear this seemed to be my ENTIRE Sunday afternoon)
Elderberry wine - much beloved by students - the 2009 was lethal...I would only drink it diluted, I think some students in Bournemouth may have had some headaches....
Bramble wine in the demijohn safely burbling! It seemed a shame to chuck the fruit that remained left over after I had put the wine in the demijohn ....so I threw it in a pan with some sugar and a chilli (naturally) , boiled it up, strained it (it was AWFULLY seedy by this point) and now bequeath to the world.........BRAMBLE CHILLI BOOZE-JAM!!
I think I've found my "signature-dish"...eat ya heart out Heston....you may have snail porridge but I bring you Booze-Jam.....thinking it might make a nice accompaniment (is that even a word?) to Quorn Roast.



  1. Hi Kitty
    I'm a new visitor and follower. Your bramble jams sound rather interesting but I wonder what you do about the grubs you find in wild blackberries because I'm very squimish about those things. I love brambles but won't pick them.

    1. Hi Carol, To be honest, I've not seen much on blackberries,I just leave the lid off of the tupperware overnight to let anything that might be there escape...other than that I don't do anything, but then I'm not even a teensy bit squeemish...now you mention it tho' I couldn't absolutely guarantee my jams and wine to be vegetarian...ooops. I guess you can buy blackberries in the supermarket, but they are something I've picked for free since I was a small child so I wouldn't consider paying for them...nature's free bounty:-)
