Friday, 14 June 2013

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

I think I prefer raindrops on alchemilla rather than roses, but whiskers on kittens is a definite favourite!
The catlings are 12 days old and have just open their eyes in the last 24 hours. They are clumsily bumbling around in their box. I don't think it will be long 'til they can climb which point I think I'll have to move them off of my bed and bring them downstairs...I would hate to think of one of them falling downstairs whilst still so small...better safe than sorry. I have a stairgate but it's too wide for my little narrow steep stairs...I used it for the back door when Queenie and Baldrick were small.
Anyway, this weekend I will be busy watching them grow :-)
(though if the rain holds off tomorrow I think I'll pop to the West Woodhay Garden Show...I love a snoop round big house grounds:-)   )
Have a lovely weekend !


  1. Oh what beautiful looking kittens, they look so sweet. I hope you post more pictures of them as they grow :)

  2. They are just so adorable!

  3. Oh such purr-fect little beauties they are !

  4. Tabbies are my favourites.... just that wee bit wilder than other breeds

  5. They are truly adorable. I always wanted to be a cat person but I have come to the conclusion that they are smarter than I am and this bothers me. Plus, every time I go to a home where there is a cat, it wants to curl up on my lap or rub against me which makes me certain that they sense my reticence and are toying with me. My wife is allergic to cats, is my we just have a dog. I am fairly certain that I am smarter than he is, so this is easier on my ego....

  6. who could resist those little faces!
