Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Good News from the Gas Man...

As has been well publicised, this Winter has been one of the coldest for a LONG time. I've been using the Rayburn to try to keep the temperature up a bit...downstairs it's open plan (-ish) so the warmth spreads through, and it powers the one radiator upstairs in the bathroom. Keeping it on minimum means that the thermometer dips to 16 or 17 degrees rather than 13 (which if it's outside and the sun is shining we'd all be saying what a glorious day it was...but in your living room it's pretty bloody parky!) I've also been lighting the woodburner but on days when I'm out of the house it can get really cold and the woodburner takes a while to bring the temperature back up...I'm all for putting a hoody on but I don't want to sit shivering. Anyhoo, that's just background info...suffice it to say that niggling in the back of my mind was the thought I was probably building up quite a bill for myself (the previous one had been more than I expected and I knew I'd used way more than that), so I opened the letter from E-on this morning with a bit of trepidation. It said....."Please read your gas meter..we've been given a reading and it looks like you're using more gas than we expected. We're ready to pop your statement in the post and we just want to make sure that it's right" Ahhhh, sounds about right..this was what I'd been waiting for. I popped outside  in the drizzle and duly took a reading and phoned them up. I gave them the reading and said could they please leave my direct debits as they are and that I would give them a separate payment for the difference to square up. Actually, said Brian the Gas man, the reason we were checking was that the recent reading was LOWER than the one we had last time so in fact it looks as if we've overcharged you. You haven't yet reached the reading given on the LAST bill.
Well I thanked Brian for the good news:-)
What a load off of my mind :-)

Although thinking about it...if they hadn't overcharged me last time I wouldn't have thought that the gas was really expensive and been worrying about this one...oh well -never mind - all worked out OK in the end.

Have you had any nice surprises with any bills?


  1. What a lovely surprise! It's not often you get such good news regarding bills.

  2. That's great news! My electricity bill was way less than the same period last year as I turned off the dehumidifier and the oil filled radiator in the conservatory.

  3. What a nice surprise. It isn't often that a bill is lower than you thought.
